On Saturday morning (May 14, 2016) we woke up to all three kids being sick. Jude and Abbey were running fever's and Penny was throwing up. We packed them all up and took them to the Urgent Care. All three were diagnosed with strep throat. Needless to say it's been a weekend full of crying, whining and tired kids. Kids are never fun when they're sick. On top of that they all have to take an antibiotic that causes their stomachs to hurt. They also hate taking it so twice a day all we hear is complaining about the medicine. We should of just done the shot.
Shauna with Jude, Penny and Abbey waiting in the doctors office waiting to be seen.
We went outside on Sunday evening and everything Penny did upset Abbey. She was sensitive.
Abbey: "Daddy, Penny was being mean to me."
Jude is actually a really good boy when he's sick. Typically he's going 100mph but when he's sick he's mellow. He lost his voice so he's spent a lot of time watching movies and playing video games.
While I was shooting pics of the kids in the back yard I took some pics of Sgt. Pepper...
... and Rocky Raccoon